8 January 2025 I 6pm to 8.30pm

Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama

Technology Connected cordially invites you to the VIP Launch of Wales Tech Week 2025

We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive, invitation-only reception to officially launch Wales Tech Week 2025.

Indulge in an evening of refreshments and distinguished networking among industry leaders and key stakeholders, as we mark the return of Wales' largest international tech summit.

If you would like to join us, please register your place by the 19 December 2024.

Kindly note that this invitation is non-transferable.


Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama

The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama attracts the best creative talent from across the globe. As Wales' national conservatoire, it fires imagination and drives innovation, offering training to more than 800 actors, musicians, designers, technicians and arts managers from more than 40 countries. 

Castle Grounds, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3ER


Where Tech meets Opportunity

Powered by Technology Connected, Wales Tech Week is Wales' largest international tech summit. It showcases Welsh technology, its ecosystem and champions the industry on the global stage.

The international tech summit offers the best of both worlds – fusing the benefits of technology with the power of people, their interaction, exuberance, and ingenuity.

Wales Tech Week returns to the ICC Wales between the 24 and 26 November 2025.



8 Ionawr 2025 I 6pm ac 8.30pm

Ngholeg Cerdd a Drama Cymru

Mae Technology Connected yn eich gwahodd i Lansiad VIP ar gyfer Wythnos Dechnoleg Cymru 2025

Mae'n bleser gennym eich gwahodd i dderbyniad unigryw, trwy wahoddiad yn unig i lansiad swyddogol Wythnos Dechnoleg Cymru 2025.

Cewch fwynhau noson o luniaeth ysgafn a rhwydweithio defnyddiol ymhlith arweinwyr y diwydiant wrth i ni nodi dychweliad uwchgynhadledd dechnoleg ryngwladol fwyaf Cymru.

Os hoffech ymuno â ni, cofrestrwch eich lle erbyn 19 Rhagfyr 2024.

Sylwch na chaniateir trosglwyddo'r gwahoddiad hwn.


Coleg Cerdd a Drama Cymru

Mae Coleg Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn denu'r doniau creadigol gorau o bob rhan o'r byd. Fel

conservatoire cenedlaethol Cymru, mae'n tanio dychymyg ac yn sbarduno arloesedd, gan

gynnig hyfforddiant i fwy nag 800 o actorion, cerddorion, dylunwyr, technegwyr a rheolwyr

ym maes y celfyddydau o fwy na 40 o wledydd.

Tiroedd y Castell, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3ER


Lle mae Technoleg yn cwrdd â Chyfle

Wythnos Dechnoleg Cymru, sy'n cael ei phweru gan Technology Connected, yw uwchgynhadledd dechnoleg ryngwladol fwyaf Cymru. Mae'n arddangos technoleg Cymru, ei hecosystem ac yn hyrwyddo'r diwydiant ar lwyfan byd-eang.

Mae'r uwchgynhadledd dechnoleg ryngwladol yn cynnig y gorau o ddau fyd - gan gyfuno buddion technoleg â grym pobl, eu rhyngweithio, afiaith a dyfeisgarwch.

Mae Wythnos Dechnoleg Cymru yn dychwelyd i ICC Cymru rhwng 24 ain a'r 26 ain Tachwedd 2025.


Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama
CF10 3ER
Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to elizabeth.scott@technologyconnected.net