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Manufacturing in Wales is facing unprecedented challenges but also big opportunities. ASTUTE 2020 offers technical support to companies in Wales, stimulating sustainable growth by de-risking the development and adoption of advanced technologies.

The ASTUTE 2020 program is a collaboration of 5 Welsh Universities and industry, working together to improve or develop new products and processes to benefit their business. The University of South Wales (USW) has academics from the South Wales Business School ready to share their knowledge in manufacturing engineering systems to help local companies. This program allows manufacturers to explore development opportunities with ASTUTE 2020 without impacting the daily needs of their business.

In this Webinar, Professor Hefin Rowlands and Steffan James from ASTUTE 2020 will address:

  • What ASTUTE 2020 can do to support all manufacturers, from micro enterprises and SMEs to multi-national enterprises
  • USW's expertise within the ASTUTE 2020 program showing the benefits of robust Quality Engineering methods for process improvement
  • Case studies from our pan-Wales collaborations explaining how a local manufacturer improved their laser additive manufacturing process
  • How your business can get help and the next steps

Mae gweithgynhyrchu yng Nghymru yn gwynebu heriau na'u gwelwyd gynt ond daw hyn hefyd â chyfleoedd newydd. Mae ASTUTE 2020 yn cynnig cymorth technegol i gwmnïoedd yng Nghymru gan ysgogi tyfiant cynaliadwy trwy ddatblygu a mabwysiadi technoleg newydd.

Cydweithrediad rhwng 5 Prifysgol Gymreig a diwydiant yw ASTUTE 2020, sydd yn cydweithio i wella neu ddatblygu cynnyrch a phrosesau i elwa busnes. Mae gan Prifysgol De Cymru (PDC) ysgolheigion yn yr Ysgol Fusnes sydd yn awyddus i rannu eu gwybodaeth am systemau gweithgynhyrchu peirianyddol i helpu cwmnïoedd lleol. Mae'r rhaglen hon yn galluogi gweithgynhyrchwyr i archwilio cyfleoedd ymchwil gydag ASTUTE 2020 heb effeithio anghenion dyddiol eu busnes.

Yn y gwebinar hon, mi fydd yr Athro Hefin Rowlands a Steffan James yn trafod:

  • Beth all ASTUTE 2020 wneud i gefnogi gweithgynhyrchwyr o bob maint
  • Arbenigedd PDC o fewn ASTUTE 2020 gan ddangos manteision dulliau rheoli ansawdd ar gyfer gwella prosesau
  • Enghreifftiau o ein prosiectau tros-Gymru yn esbonio sut wnaeth gweithgynhyrchwr lleol wella proses gweithgynhyrchu adiol
  • Sut all eich busnes gael cymorth a'r camau nesaf

