10 llinell o rhaglennu, un gêm - 10 lines of code, one game
Mewn dim ond 10 llinell o godio Python, byddwch chi'n dysgu sut i greu eich gêm fideo '80au eich hun'. Os ydych chi'n hoff o godio, neu os nad ydych erioed wedi rhoi cynnig ar raglennu yn eich bywyd, rydych chi'n sicr o ddysgu rhywbeth a chael ychydig o hwyl tra ein bod ni arno. Mae croeso i unrhyw oedran ymuno!
In just 10 lines of Python coding, you'll learn how to create your very own '80s style video game. If you're a dab-hand at coding, or if you've never tried programming in your life, you're sure to learn something and have some fun while we're at it. Any age is welcome to join in!
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